Welcome to Motivation Engineers

A Historical moment – signing a Transfer of Technology agreement – DIGITALLY – with DRDO – works with a vision

Empowering the Nation with State-of-the-Art indigenous Defence Technologies and System, Defence R&D Organization, Ministry of Defence, GoI, for the most appropriate Technology for Area Disinfection with UV – Tower.

We feel most elevated and it is a proud moment, Technology will give us an opportunity to work as a Warrior during this pandemic time of COVID-19.

In three decades, Motivation Engineers and Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad, Gujarat, has many First in the Country in Respect to Products, Services and Solutions to Serve Various Industries.

We will continue to strive for INNOVATION and serve our patrons.


Brining transformation through new Innovation.


Build the best Product wise no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire & implement solution. At motivation we are committed to achieve business & financial success learning positive implement on society.

  • VibanRAS Tower

    Viban® RAS Tower

    The Covid-19 pandemic has made us realize the importance of hygiene. And, places frequented by masses like airports, metro stations, hospitals.
  • VibanUV Chamber

    Viban® Uv Chamber

    UV Disinfection Chamber for contact-free sanitization can be used at Home, Offices, Mithai and Farsan Shops, Retails, Vegetables & Fruit Shop, Restaurant & Food Delivery Shop, Provision &...
  • VibanOAPC

    Viban® Outdoor Air Pollution Controller

    Outdoor Air Pollution Controller - BETTING THE AIR POLLUTION - Reducing Outdoor Air Pollution - BENEFIT to PUBLIC AT LARGE
  • mFVTM Vermiculite

    mFV® xfoliated vermiculite

    Leap Into Green Via mFV® 100% Natural Insulation
  • mbientturboTM Ventilator


    Mbient Turbo ventilator operates on wind energy thereby enabling saving of substantial electrical energy to the user. It is long-lasting and increases productivity through comfort.
  • MbientBrite®

    Sunlight is a sustainable light source which, if channeled properly via rooflights, can make a significant contribution towards the goal of designing
  • MbientLite®

    Mbient lite roof lights used as a complement to artificial lighting can considerably reduce the annual energy consumption of any building, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.
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